The Prez says...

The Prez says...


I know that right now most of our minds are swirling with concerns about the incredibly important elections that lie ahead in 2024. And if you listen to interviews with voters in the media it would appear that many people have pretty limited knowledge about what really happens in the halls of government.

For one thing, most people think that the president and their own representatives should be able to solve every problem there is, from wars abroad to the price of gas - and all without working with their fellow lawmakers.

You probably want to scream because you know better. And you also know that DC is not the only place where important business is conducted.

If you've attended town or county meetings or state Senate or Assembly meetings, you've seen that other levels of government handle really challenging and important business too. And you may notice that they are probably more functional about it than our Washington reps! (How can they NOT be?!)

So if you want to stop beating your head against a wall about Congress, look closer to home where as a thoughtful, knowledgeable voter you can have much more of an impact and with much less effort. You can even reach out and TALK to these folks directly! They will probably even listen!

The legislature is back in action at the Capitol and the League is right on top of what's happening there and eager to help you get involved. Just watch for "Your Weekly Legislative Update from LWVNYS" that hits your mailbox every week when meetings are going on between now and June. (One just came on January 26th, and has a number of really important bits of news you'll want to see.)

Besides giving you the inside scoop about happenings at the Capitol, it will give you ways to get involved - like the February 3rd Zoom with our LWV issue specialists talking about League priorities for this session. (See more about this elsewhere in this newsletter including a link to register.)

You'll also see info about a lobbying effort in Albany labelled "Turn Off the Plastic Tap" about the Bigger, Better Bottle Bill. It happens for several hours on Tues., February 27th. We might be able to get you a ride if you want one. This is just a sample. Opportunities to interact with live people about live issues abound!

Notice also in this newsletter that Jane Simkin Smith has submitted another report on the Dutchess legislature's last meeting. It's just a taste of the sorts of things discussed (and visible in person or online) by the people making decisions for all Dutchess residents. Such discussions can be yours in Ulster and Orange as well. Just let me know if you need any help in finding them. And reports from other counties would be great!

We all know that January is "get exercising!" month. It applies to your civic self too! You truly can help make better government happen.

Dare Thompson, President, LWVMHR darethompson [at], 845-236-3074

League to which this content belongs: 
Mid-Hudson Region