League of Women Voters of White Plains Video Recording Policy for Candidate Forums
- The Forum is owned and sponsored the LWVWP (the League).
- Only those persons or entities authorized by the League may video record or stream any Forum. Any use of a video recording or stream requires the advanced approval of the League.
- Anyone who is permitted to video record or stream a Forum is authorized to air it only in its entirety; only licensed media, including TV, radio and newspapers, are entitled by FCC regulations to air portions of the Forum.
- No candidate is permitted to edit footage for campaign purpose. A candidate may post a copy of the video recording of a Forum on a website or social media providing the video recording is aired in its entirety without editing by the candidate or representative.
- The League will arrange for the posting of the video recording of a Forum in its entirety on public access televisions stations and on the League website and social media and will authorize other local chapters to post on their website when requested.
- Each candidate participating in the Forum is required to sign a video release form agreeing to the League Video Policy.
The League will request the moderator to announce the following at the beginning of the Forum.
- Cell phones should be turned off as a matter of courtesy and unauthorized videos are not permitted.
- The League owns the Forum, and only those persons or entities permitted by the League may video record or stream the Forum and any such persons or entities must air the Forum in its entirety.
- If a person is observed to be video recording or streaming, the moderator will pause the Forum and ask the person to stop.
- The moderator will not resume the forum until the person stops recording and/or streaming.
- The moderator will terminate the Forum if the person does not stop or leave.