LWVC Advocacy Teach-In and Tune-Up

LWVC Advocacy Teach-In and Tune-Up


3303 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles California 90010
California US
Saturday, February 9, 2019 - 10:00am to 4:30pm

Do you want to make real change in Sacramento? 

Join the League of Women Voters of California Advocacy Team and find out how to influence policy in the capitol.

The League of Women Voters CA would like to invite you to an all-day Advocacy Teach-In and Tune Up in Los Angeles on Saturday, February 9 from 10am to 4:30pm.   The event is designed to prepare volunteers to work with the state League on statewide policy initiatives.

You will learn:
• How we form positions and take action
• The mysteries behind California’s state legislative process
• Ways to develop issue-proficiency and build a powerful network
• A framework for understanding and analyzing legislation
• About available volunteer opportunities

You don’t need expertise to attend. We welcome anyone with a passion for better public policy, a desire to develop skills, and the interest and time to be a grassroots leader!