Upcoming Observer Training

Upcoming Observer Training

observer training photo


Peoria Public Library Main
107 NE Monroe St
Peoria Illinois 61602
Illinois US
Saturday, August 10, 2019 - 10:15am

The next LWVIL Observer Training will be on Saturday, August 10 from 10:15 a.m. to 1:15p.m. at the Peoria Public Library on the Lower Level. During the training, Observers will learn what actions to take and what to report. Numerous units of government have few, if any, community members observing. This training will empower you to be the eyes and ears in the room! If you would like to sign up or have any questions, please jdorner1 [at] comcast.net (reach out to Jan Dorner). Also note that if you need to stay in Peoria the night before, please reach out to LWVIL board member, c_budzinski [at] hotmail.com (Cheryl Budzinski), and she will find a local Leaguer for you to stay with.

Contact Information
Jan Dorner
jdorner1 [at] comcast.net
Issues referenced by this event: