Register to Vote
Eligible individuals can still register and vote in-person during the early voting period, Oct. 20 - Nov. 5, at any One-Stop Early Voting Site in their county. If you have not yet registered, you will not be able to vote on Election Day, Nov. 8th, so be sure to find your site, register, and vote on or before Nov. 5th.
- One U.S. Senate seat
- 14 U.S. House seats
- Several state offices (General Assembly, Supreme Court, and Court of Appeals)
- Local judges and prosecutors
- County offices like sheriff and county commissioners
You must be registered 25 days before the election to participate.
Oct. 20, 2022: One-stop, in-person early voting period begins. Early voting occurs at designated sites but not necessarily your assigned precinct. If you are voting for the first time, same-day registration is permitted; be sure to bring proof of residency (usually a driver’s license).
Nov. 1, 2022: Deadline to submit an absentee ballot request form.
Nov. 5, 2022: One-stop, in-person early voting period ends at 3 p.m.
Nov. 8, 2022: Election Day and absentee ballot return deadline.
- You must have lived at your current address 30 days to participate on Election Day, or else you must participate in Early Voting or Absentee Voting.
- Make sure your absentee ballot is postmarked before 3 p.m.
VOTE BY MAIL - the details!
- There are 3 steps to vote by mail – request a ballot, complete the ballot and return the ballot - https://www.ncsbe.gov/voting/vote-mail
- Detailed instructions - https://www.ncsbe.gov/voting/vote-mail/detailed-instructions-vote-mail
- Before mailing your ballot, note there are 3 requirements, which you must indicate on the outside of the absentee ballot envelope:
- 2 witness signatures or 1 notary signature (one notary public or two witnesses must be in your presence when you mark your absentee ballot. They should only observe you marking your ballot, not how you vote).
- Voter signature
- Date
- If you have been convicted of a felony and are no longer incarcerated you may register to vote in North Carolina. See more about this - https://www.ncsbe.gov/news/press-releases/2022/07/26/north-carolinians-serving-felony-sentences-who-are-not-jail-or-prison-may-register-vote-starting
FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT VOTING IN NORTH CAROLINA – go to the North Carolina State Board of Elections here - https://www.ncsbe.gov/voting
To better understand how the election process works in North Carolina, the myths about voter suppression and why elections in our state are currently set up to be free and fair, watch this short video produced by the LWV to understand the elections process and what happens to your ballot after you vote in North Carolina! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnbMK9E2PMg
- Check you registration status
- Type in your address and find out who is on your ballot
- Research the candidates from a series of nonpartisan questions
- Find early voting sites
- Fill out and print a sample ballot
- One stop and you can be prepared to take your vote to the polls!!!
- Voter registration in our community
- Registering our newest citizens: Charlotte is fortunate to have an office of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), which sponsors naturalization ceremonies most Tuesdays and Thursdays during the year. Members of Leagues throughout the country attend ceremonies in their local areas to assist our newest citizens in registering to vote.
- And more
You must be a LWV member to volunteer.
Click Here To Join LWV Charlotte Mecklenburg
Contact the LWVCM Voter Services Action Team - Regan Aduddell voterservices [at] goleagego.org