What is Civics 101?
Civics 101 is a premier source of comprehensive and concise insight into the structures of governance in Charlotte-Mecklenburg County. The program consists of six evening sessions, one-evening-per-week, covering the Mecklenburg County Board of Elections, Mecklenburg County Government, Charlotte City Council, CMS Board of Education, Local Media, and the Mecklenburg County Courts.
The program is sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Charlotte-Mecklenburg and led by current and former government officials and local media to give participants an overview of local government.
If you are a citizen of Charlotte-Mecklenburg County, live in the Charlotte Metropolitan area or its surrounding towns, and want to learn more about how local government works, this program is for you.
The participant outcomes include:
becoming an informed citizen who is in the know,
learning how local government works,
identifying which government departments can help you when you need assistance in the Metro-Charlotte area, and
knowing where to direct your energy to inspire change.
The LWVCM is excited to offer this program both in-person and virtually in the New Year! The six-week program will take place each Wednesday evening from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. from February 1 to March 8. Registration will open in early December.
Questions? Send us an email: lwvcmcivics101 [at] gmail.com.
History of Civics 101
Civics 101 was conceived of as a “good idea” by local League members more than a quarter century ago for an initial target audience of League members to address the expressed desire to learn more about how local government really works.
We held the first public session anticipating at most 20 people would participate. However, LWVCM members were astounded by the 65 people who attended the first evening. Obviously, citizens are hungry for the type of information LWVCM Civics 101 provides as an introduction to local government for new voters, new arrivals, and even longtime residents. We are thrilled that our new hybrid format allows for an even larger number of participants.
Civics 101 has several illustrious alumni including former Mayor Jennifer Roberts and State Senator Joyce Waddell. Less than three years after participation in the LWVCM inaugural Civics 101, one participant took his seat as a member of Charlotte City Council. Another participant subsequently took an appointment to the Zoning Board of Adjustments and Appeals. Both credited the knowledge that they gained in the Civics 101 program for “showing them how to get involved in government” and how to have a “positive impact quickly.” They believe that Civics 101 was a perfect avenue for learning the initial information they needed to represent the people well. Additionally, some political candidates, who have participated in the program tout their Civics 101 experience in their campaign literature!
Civics 101 Structure
The program is sponsored by LWVCM and facilitated by league volunteers. Each session will be run by a current member or veteran of local government or the media. Sessions will be held both in-person and offered virtually with some recorded, but mostly live content. Participants will enjoy engaging sessions with live Q&As, polls, quizzes and more!
Make a donation to Civics 101
Donors like you have made us the most trusted voice in positive solutions to public policy issues. If you would like to donate to Civics 101 Click Here.
Questions? Email lwvcmcivics101 [at] gmail.com