Gov. changes dates of DE Presidential Primary, School Board elections, and eases criteria for absentee voting.

Gov. changes dates of DE Presidential Primary, School Board elections, and eases criteria for absentee voting.

Gov. Carney

Gov. John Carney made several modifications to his State of Emergency declaration today that affects voters.  The changes move Delaware's presidential primary to June 2nd.  The 2020 primary had previously been set to take place on Tuesday, April 28th.

The order also broadens the absentee ballot application process to allow "social distancing due to COVID-19" as a valid reason to vote in this manner.  "Today's order will...allow Delawareans to vote by absentee ballot in the presidential primary on June 2," Gov. Carney said. 
On the existing Absentee Ballot Application Form,  the Governor’s order allows a citizen who is not actually sick, but just "social distancing", the choice to check either of the following boxes: ( ) Sick or ( ) Temporarily or Permanently Disabled.

Additionally,, the new order decrees that:
  • All school board elections scheduled for May 12 are postponing until June 16.
  • Municipal elections originally scheduled between March 24 and May 15, 2020 will be delayed until after May 15.

The full text of the order can be see here.