The LWV of Beloit supports:
- coordination with regional and local, public and private, efforts to secure adequate low-income housing in Beloit and for the greater Beloit area.
- a local housing authority.
- increased investment in public housing.
- efforts of the City of Beloit to seek increased federal, state, and private funding for housing programs to be administered by the city and ‘passed through’ to other organizations.
- consistent use of city programs and resources to upgrade the quality and improve the availability of Beloit’s housing stock, both rental and owner-occupied, for an economically diverse resident population.
The LWV of Beloit recommends:
- that the City of Beloit supports programs which enable homeowners to retain their homes and improve Beloit’s older housing stock. Examples are:
- foreclosure prevention and supportive services, incentives for housing rehabilitation, technical assistance for home maintenance, and/or
- programs to enable elderly and disabled families to sustain and maintain homes.
- that the City of Beloit continues to acquire, rehabilitate, and sell foreclosed or condemned homes in order to stabilize neighborhoods.
- that the city ensures that privately-owned rental housing is safe and meets housing codes.
The LWV of Beloit supports:
- requirements that new multi-family units meet basic handicapped accessibility standards.
- city policies which maintain a neighborhood’s existing character through sensitive redevelopment, revitalization, and rezoning.
The LWV of Beloit recommends:
- that the City of Beloit work to eliminate language barriers In the Beloit Housing Authority and other Community Development offices by providing bi-lingual staff and materials and ongoing staff training.
(2011 - Carr, Lamont, Metter, Schoenfield, Seguin, Williams)
(1975 - revised)
(1968 - Page, Harrer, Boutelle)
League to which this content belongs:
- Private group -