Our Positions

Read here about the LWV of Lexington's Local Program, Local Study and Action Priorities.

Definiton of Local Program

Local program consists of:

  • Such current local governmental issues as the membership shall choose for concerted study and action; and
  • Those positions on local governmental issues to which the League of Women Voters of Lexington has given sustained attention and on which it may continue to act.

 Read about our Studies               Read about our Action Priorities & Issues 

What is a Position?

The League of Women Voters takes action on an issue only when we have a position addressing that particular issue. Members must study and come to consensus on an issue, in order to form a position. This thorough grassroots process ensures that our advocacy is well considered by a broad range of people, understood by our members, and we have a sense of the political environment.

Lexington (MA) Positions


The League of Women Voters of Lexington affirms its commitment to reflect the diversity in our community.



We support efforts to identify those factors within Lexington which impact air quality, including acid rain.


We support the promotion of alternatives to pesticides, its education throughout the community, development of pesticide policy for town use, and land use planning measures for conservation.


We support conservation of energy in the community.


We support a hazardous waste collection program and educating citizens of this program. We continue to promote recycling.


We support water conservation in Lexington.


We support measures to implement a long range recreational program consistent with the needs of Lexington.





We support the Council on Aging as the central coordinating body for elderly services in Lexington.


We support efforts to provide housing in Lexington for an economically diverse population through housing and planning.


We support the continuation and strengthening of human services delivery and education in Lexington.



We support the responsibility of Lexington to share in the solution of problems within the core city.


We support programs to meet the needs of youth in Lexington; support interaction among the courts, policy and youth agencies.


Subscribe to Local Positions

All Lexington (MA) Subscribed Positions


State and local Leagues, and individual League members, have a critical role to play in helping to limit future climate change and protect the planet.


Promote peace in an interdependent world by working cooperatively with other nations and strengthening international organizations.


The League of Women Voters of the United States believes that one of the goals of social policy in the United States should be to promote self-sufficiency for individuals and families and that the most effective social programs are those designed to prevent or reduce poverty.


Promote an environment beneficial to life through the protection and wise management of natural resources in the public interest.


Promote an open governmental system that is representative, accountable and responsive.


Secure equal rights and equal opportunity for all. Promote social and economic justice, and the health and safety of all Americans.


The League of Women Voters supports a strong, effective United Nations and endorses the full and active participation of the United States in the UN system.