Come. Listen. Ask questions. Be informed. Then VOTE.
Join us as LWV of Mendocino County presents a discussion about Prop 15, Schools & Communities First.
Homeowners have been paying their fair share of property taxes based on the 1978 Prop 13 tax formula. Learn how Prop 15 will keep that current tax rate unchanged for home owners, all residential property and agricultural land, while requiring large corporations to also pay their fair share.
MORE THAN $10 MILLION EVERY YEAR for schools in Mendocino County is projected by the "Yes on 15" estimated funding calculator.
Laurel Tamariz, born and raised on the Mendocino Coast and the Statewide Director of the Speakers' Bureau & Training for Proposition 15, will give a comprehensive look at what Prop 15 will do for California. Be ready with your questions, or send them in advance to: info [at] lwvmendo.org.
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Laurel has spent her career with one foot in the political world and one foot in the private sector. In both cases, her passion is working on programs benefiting working families. For 14 years she has worked on behalf both of candidates and issue campaigns. Most recently, she was the Speakers' Bureau Director for the Prop. 55 campaign, which secured $120 billion for California's public education and healthcare as part of the recession recovery effort; and the Stories Director for the Fight For Our Health campaign, which successfully blocked the repeal of the ACA. During non-election cycles, she is a consultant for startups entering funding rounds for venture capital—specializing in honing their story and helping them to align their business models with socially responsible practices. She has an MBA from UC Davis, with a focus on corporate ethics and finance; and a BA from Mills College in public policy and economics. Laurel is a big fan of sports done in the great outdoors, notably as a rower for a nationally competitive Women's Masters crew team. She looks forward to the post-COVID era when she can visit her father and stepmother, both retired educators, in Fort Bragg. She resides in Sacramento with her husband and their two little dogs.
Proposition 15 is endorsed by the League of Women Voters of California as well as the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors, Mendocino Office of Education and many other organizations and individuals statewide. (See www.yes15.org for a complete list of supporters)