Sarah Staudt Presentation on Consensus Questions for the Criminal Justice Study

Sarah Staudt Presentation on Consensus Questions for the Criminal Justice Study

Watch this informative program on YouTube at this link:

Sarah Staudt, Attorney, discussed consensus questions for the Criminal Justice Study.  She concentrated on the following topics in her presentation:  Investing in Communities, Bias Recognition, Gender Responsive Approach, Restorative Justice, Emerging Adults. 

Sarah Staudt has been at Chicago Appleseed Fund for Justice since 2018. As Senior Policy Analyst and Staff Attorney, Sarah works primarily on criminal justice issues. She graduated the University of Chicago Law School in 2013 and was an Equal Justice Works Fellow. Before coming to work with Chicago Appleseed, Sarah was an attorney with the Lawndale Christian Legal Center (LCLC) where she focused on juvenile justice matters. Sarah was also part of the team that planned, created, and launched the North Lawndale Community Court – which was managed by Chicago Appleseed staff for about a year.
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The Criminal Justice Study