Forum Discussion - Sensible Criminal Justice Reform

Forum Discussion - Sensible Criminal Justice Reform

Thursday, February 4, 2021 - 6:30pm
Forum Discussion
Sensible Criminal Justice Reform
with Shanna Gong & Jasmine Sankofa from FWD.US  + Kris Steele from TEEM

TONIGHT at 6:30 PM via Facebook Live
The link below will be live at 6:25 PM.


Shanna Gong and Jasmine Sankofa will speak about their organization, and coming legislation that could safely lower our incarceration rates in Oklahoma. is a bipartisan political organization that believes America's families, communities, and economy thrive when more individuals are able to reach their full potential. They believe reforming the criminal justice system will expand opportunities for all Americans. is committed to driving change, starting with the people and families directly impacted by mass incarceration. We support common sense reforms that will safely lower the jail and prison population, reduce misdemeanor and felony convictions, and create opportunities for the tens of millions of people that have been incarcerated or convicted of a crime. 
Senate Bill 704 would remove sentence enhancements for many nonviolent offenses.
House Bill 2879 would set up the Violence Prevention Innovation Fund which would take the cost savings from reduced incarceration and apply those savings to programs to help survivors of violence, crime prevention programs, and alternatives to incarceration.



Kris Steele is Executive Director of TEEM (The Education and Employment Ministry), a nonprofit dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty and incarceration in Oklahoma. TEEM offers educational opportunities, character development courses, job training and employment placement assistance to individuals reentering the community.

Kris currently serves as a member of the Pardon and Parole Board and a Trustee of the Sarkeys Foundation. He also serves as the Chair of Oklahomans for Criminal Justice Reform, a coalition comprised of community groups, business leaders, health professionals and faith leaders dedicated to advancing effective approaches to public safety by increasing access to treatment and programs designed to address root causes of crime.
Kris will speak about the coming criminal justice legislation and why criminal justice reform makes sense for Oklahoma.

Contact Information
lwvstillwaterok [at]