LWV Palo Alto Event: "Climate Crisis Call to Action"

LWV Palo Alto Event: "Climate Crisis Call to Action"

Wednesday, March 10, 2021 - 12:00pm to Thursday, March 11, 2021 - 12:45pm
We are proud to announce our upcoming 
Virtual Speaker Event featuring Guest Speakers: 
Christine Luong, Sustainability Manager for the City of Palo Alto Nicole Angiel, Director of Sustainability, Acterra 
Climate Crisis Call to Action: 
Think Globally / Act Locally 
Wednesday, March 10, 2021 
12:00 to 1:00 pm 
Moderator: Mary O’Kicki, Chair of LWV of California's Food, Soil and Agriculture Committee 
LWVUS has declared climate change to be both an emergency and a priority. We have already seen the effects of an early and long fire season in our local area. Our speakers will help us understand what actions we as individuals can take to reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions
● You will learn from Ms. Luong about the City of Palo Alto’s “Sustainability and Climate Action Plan” (S/CAP), why the city is creating it, and what it means for you.
Ms. Angiel will help us understand the importance of our food choices in reducing Green House Gas emissions. 
Co-sponsored by 
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.Submit your questions for Christine Luong and Nicole Angiel by email tolwvpaoffice [at] gmail.comwith subject “Climate Action”
Guest Speakers: 
Christine Luong Sustainability Manager for the City of Palo Alto 
Christine is a climate change and sustainability advocate with extensive experience managing environmental, advocacy, membership, and health programs. As the Sustainability Manager for the City of Palo Alto, she collaborates with City departments to 
implement Palo Alto’s Sustainability and Climate Action Plan, with a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 80% below 1990 levels by 2030. Christine holds a master's degree in Public Administration from San Francisco State University and a bachelor's degree in Environmental Science and Policy from Duke University. 
Nicole Angiel — Director of Sustainability, Acterra 
Nicole has been working to protect the environment throughout her career.Prior to joining Acterra in 2015, she developed and managed local government waste reduction programs and developed innovative publicoutreach campaigns, including the first regional Earth Day festival in WestContra Costa County in 2000. Sustainable food was at the forefront of thatevent. Nicole has a B.A. from Columbia University and a M.S. from University of Washington.