This month’s meeting …Everyone Deserves a Home - Working toward safe, affordable housing for everyone.
The Housing Action Team – North Coast Mendocino County (commonly known as HAT), is working toward safe, affordable housing for everyone.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8561390878
Our Program Planning meeting in January provided a chance to hear from some new voices about fresh topics. One of those voices was Johanna Jensen, who introduced us to HAT, a local group that works on solutions to the housing crisis at a local scale. Many members expressed interest in this work, so Johanna is going to speak at the March (virtual) meeting. Here is how she describes the work:
"Who do you picture when you think about affordable housing? Those who think of the very poor need to think again. The reality includes Mary, a single mom who works hard but still can’t afford a place to raise her family. It also includes schoolteachers who can’t afford to live in the town where they work, children who can’t get established in school because they’re couch surfing, and lifelong residents who are forced to move when they become seniors on a fixed income. These are just some of the people who would never identify as low income, but do identify as someone who isn’t making it.
"The Housing Action Team – North Coast Mendocino County (commonly known as HAT) believes that, like it or not, the affordable housing problem covers a much larger population than people recognize. HAT is a team of like-minded locals who decided to act on our beliefs. We realized that when a segment of the population can’t afford a place to live, they are forced to live elsewhere and the community ultimately suffers. Businesses can’t find the employees they need, community-based volunteer services disappear and the community that was once so desirable isn’t anymore."
Please join us Tuesday, March 9 at 6 pm to find out more about HAT's past, present and future projects in addressing the critical need for homes within reach for the people who live on the Mendocino North Coast.
Link to join through Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8561390878