Annual Business Meeting

Annual Business Meeting


Berry Creek Clubhouse Stillwater Oklahoma 74074
Oklahoma US
Thursday, April 29, 2021 - 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Please wear masks.


• Call to Order (chair)
• Check for Quorum (15 required by current bylaws)
• Assignment of recording secre-tary, two assistants, and a parlia-mentarian
• Move for Acceptance of Agenda
• Adoption of the Rules for Annual Meeting
• Acceptance of Substitution for Minutes of 2020 Annual Meeting (See p. 6)
• Report of Treasurer
• Report of President(s)
• Reports of Directors
     ~Membership Numbers
     ~Voter Service (Voter Registra-tion Chair: Deanna Homer; Forum Chair: Joanne Murer)
     ~Program (Earline Schreiner)
     ~Secretary (Gladeen Allred)
     ~Voter (Judy Davis)
     ~Vote 411 (Elaine Courtright)
     ~Book Club Chair (Virginia Aw-try)
• Reports from Committees:
     ~Budget Committee (Surekha Sheorey [chair], Leanita Shelby)
     ~Bylaws Committee (No report)
     ~Nominating Committee (Pat Jaynes, Judy Clay, Deanna Homer
• New Business
     ~Adoption of Budget
     ~Election of Officers
     ~Meeting Dates/Times for 2021-2022
     ~Adoption of local program
• Adjournment

Contact Information
LWVStillwaterOK [at]