A special art show will kick off Tuesday’s LWV meeting!
Inspirational Works of Art at the United Nationsis a slide presentation developed by the Human Rights Special Interest Group to showcase the beautiful sculptures and wall art located on the UN property in New York City. The presentation features photographs and descriptions of over two dozen works of art, selected to highlight the theme of universal human rights.
Many pieces have been created by renowned artists and have been gifted to the United Nations by its Member States. The program will be narrated by Kathleen Montgomery, a founding member of the Human Rights Special Interest Group, an organization formed by League Members who served on the UN Commission on the Status of Women. She serves as Director of International Relations for the League of Women Voters of Orange Coast (California), and was a panel moderator at the 2020 LWVUS National Convention. Kathleen earned her PhD in sociology from New York University. She is Professor Emerita of Organizations and Management at the University of California, Riverside. Kathleen continues as Professor of the Graduate Division at UC Riverside and Honorary Associate at Sydney Health Ethics, University of Sydney and is an elected Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences.
Everyone is invited to join the presentation. The LWV Annual Meeting follows at 6:30 and all are invited to stay and bring ideas for implementing LWV 2021-2022 activities.