Managing the Risk of Extreme Heat

Managing the Risk of Extreme Heat

Climate Change


Saturday, April 2, 2022 - 9:30am to 12:00pm

Join us on April  2 to hear from Jane Gilbert, the nation's first Chief Heat Officer. Jane will present Managing the Risk of Extreme Heat.  Q & A to follow.  Hosted by the League of Women Votes of Lee County, Florida. 

Heat related mortality resulting from exposure to high temperatures is expected to rise due to climate change. "Known as the invisible killer, heat is the deadliest of all climate-induced stressors. A 2020 study found that between 2010-2020, there have been approximately 12,000 heat-related premature deaths annually in the U.S., and that number is expected to climb by 97,000 in a scenario where dramatic cuts in emissions are not achieved." (SE FL Regional Climate Change Compact) 

Read Jane's interview with Time magazine City Heat is Worse if You're Not Rich or White at 

This virtual program is free and open to the public. Registration is required. Link below. 

Please share with your friends and groups.  We look forward to seeing you via zoom on April 2, 9:30 AM EASTERN TIME.