Tuesday, April 12 will be all about the upcoming June 7 election. This election is as the “June Primary,” but there are also several county offices and one ballot measure (see “Measure M” below) which will be decided.
We are fortunate to have Katrina Bartolomie, Assessor-Clerk Recorder-Registrar of Voters, join us to explain who and what will be on the ballot, what offices are partisan, and how to vote for those offices. There should be plenty of time for questions, but if you have a specific concern, formulate your question in advance, and send it to Pat Dunbar, pdunbar [at] mcn.org, , to make sure it is addressed during the conversation.
Everyone is invited to attend, League member or not. Come and deepen your understanding of which election is which, what is to be decided in June, and what will be decided in November.
All are invited to check in ahead of time for some social gathering. For more information, contact Pat at pdunbar [at] mcn.org, or call (707) 937-3409.
Zoom link for Tuesday, April 12, from 6–7:30 pm: Meeting Registration - Zoom