Support the League. Donate!

Support the League. Donate!



Local League Donations

We rely on dues and donations to support our programs. Donors like you have made us the most trusted voice in positive solutions to public policy issues. 

Your charitable gift to the League of Women Voters Education Fund (LWVEF), a 501(c)(3) organization, is tax-deductible (Tax ID Number: 53-0239013) to the extent permitted by law. Your gift will support our work to register voters and provide voters with election information through voter guides as well as candidate forums and debates.

Online: Click here to make your donation! Thank You!

Print & Mail: Click here to download form! Thank You! 



Employee Matching Gifts: How do I request a matching gift?

Requesting a matching gift is normally a five-minute process that must be initiated by the donor. You can do this by filling out and submitting a match gift form provided by your employer or through an electronic submission process. It's an easy way to double your contribution to us.