Why are you running for a position as a Town Meeting Member?
As a long-time resident and TMM, I am fortunate in having played even a small role in the evolution of the Town by supporting excellent schools, police and fire public safety, land conservation, historic preservation, Center vitality, and recreation programs. I look forward to meeting the challenges of responsive and responsible housing solutions.
Is there a particular issue you hope to advance?
“Leafy Lexington” is becoming more and more “leafless Lexington” as more and more trees are lost to age, disease, weather, utility wiring, street widening, Town and developer removal and clear cutting. Tree-lined streets are almost non-existent except in historic photographs. Tree bylaws adopted by Town Meeting are not always uniformly enforced. Yet, trees provide neighborhood beauty, shade, privacy, noise reduction, clean air, carbon storage, and wildlife habitats. Natural causes of tree loss cannot always be prevented but man-made causes can be. I support tree protection and replacement initiatives and wish more homeowners would take advantage of the Town’s free plantings in front yard setbacks and along streets in the Town’s right-of-way in front of their homes.