Precinct: 9
E-mail address: jeannecanale0 [at]
Phone number 781-861-0287

Community Activities:

  • Town of Lexington Town Meeting Member (2011-present)
  • Town Meeting Members Association, Chair, Executive Board 2017-2019
  • South Lexington Civic Assoc Board Member 2009-(present)
  • LWV Lexington Board Member 2016-(present)

I am a 50-year resident committed to Lexington’s long-term well-being.  I will place a weighting on issues that particularly affect Precinct 9 residents.  I work to make our government more transparent and accountable.

Precinct 9 Issues

  • Precinct 9 has a high density of intense commercial use.
    The overall Quality of Life for residents needs improvement. We need to examine impact on residents, our neighborhoods, and the environment, with careful advanced planning to deal with anticipated traffic and other impacts.
    I will work on improving traffic congestion and cut through traffic with short/long term planning that includes multi-modal efforts to reduce automobile traffic including traffic calming, and that will increase transit, sidewalks, and bicycle lanes.

Town Wide Issues:

  • Many issues impact town financial planning.  I am actively involved in helping the town manage these needs by balancing quality of life issues with economic realities.  

The Town needs to encourage more, and smaller residences built in town and Article 34 and Article 40 Town Meeting 2023 are excellent Articles to accomplish this.   Article 34 provides zoning to allow multi-family/affordable housing in only a few already dense areas.  We need to decrease proposed height limits and provide more safeguards for me to vote yes on Article 34.   Article 40 recommends limits to the development of large housing throughout town, by reducing the maximum allowable residential gross floor noted in the Maximum Allowable Residential Gross Floor Area Table adopted by Town Meeting 2016.