Name: Jill Hai
Office Sought: Select Board
e-mail addressjillhailex [at] gmail.com
phone number: 781-862-3776

Community Activities

  • Select Board  2018-present (Chair, 2021-2023)
  • Town Meeting  2006 – Present
  • Vision for Lexington  2023-present
  • Capital Expenditures Committee 2012-2017 (Chair, 2013-2017)
  • Special Permit Residential Development Bylaw committee (Chair, 2018-2023)
  • Bridge School PTA President
  • LEF Board Member
  • Sidewalk Committee, Safe Routes to School Committee, Zoning Board of Appeals, Lex300 
  • Temple Isaiah Board Member
  • President, Massachusetts Municipal Association (2023-2024)
  • Local Government Advisory Commission (2021-present, Co Chair with Lt Gov Driscoll 2023, Appointed by both Governors Baker and Healey,)

Two long term goals for Lexington are to increase affordable housing and to do our part to reduce the town’s carbon footprint.  These goals can seem to be incompatible, especially in the short term. How will you reconcile these two needs, both in the short term and the long term?

Lexington is a leader in both Housing and Sustainability and our goals are complementary.

Roughly 70% of Lexington’s emissions come from buildings. Encouraging smaller, more efficient homes, near transit and commercial services, will provide housing opportunities at a lower cost and reduce the carbon emissions of individual homes. We were the first to comply with the state’s “MBTA zoning”. We have adapted our zoning to encourage alternatives to large single-family subdivisions, increase protection for natural resources and require affordable housing in each development. Smaller market rate homes and affordable housing, rather than large single-family subdivisions, will definitionally be more efficient and sustainable. All new construction in town is required to be fossil fuel free and comply with the latest Specialized Stretch Code - the most stringent sustainability regulations the State allows. Lexington leads the state in adoption of sustainability policies, ensuring new homes meet these standards and offering existing homeowners multiple ways to reduce their emissions.

By expanding opportunities for people to live near work, public transportation, school, and shopping, we reduce reliance on cars, which reduces the need for parking, allowing more housing or green space on property, and creating a more sustainable community.

My goal is to advance both housing and sustainability initiatives, as each supports the other. Lexington has made a commitment to embrace climate conscious strategies and through the Framework adopted by the Select Board in 2023 will continue to advance our sustainability and equity goals. We will also advance our housing goals, including increasing diversity of housing stock in size, accessibility and price.

Lexington will continue to lead and be the community we all value.