Name: Cindy Arens
Office Sought: Select Board
e-mail addresscindy4lex [at]
phone number: 781-354-3806

Community Activities

Two long term goals for Lexington are to increase affordable housing and to do our part to reduce the town’s carbon footprint.  These goals can seem to be incompatible, especially in the short term. How will you reconcile these two needs, both in the short term and the long term?

Increasing affordable housing and reducing the town’s carbon footprint are not incompatible for the short or long term. In fact, centering our focus on social and environmental justice, we are really looking at a single goal: to create affordable housing that is the most healthy and the most resilient with the least cost burden on the families that will occupy that housing. We do that by building highly efficient, all-electric housing that generates its own energy, which will reduce the town’s carbon footprint. The bonus is that with regional, state and federal assistance, rebates, incentives and experienced developers, it will cost less than standard construction.

We have a responsibility to address systemic inequities that have existed in the creation of housing. I and colleagues of mine in Lowell, Chelsea, Worcester and other gateway cities have been saying this for years. Institutions like Harvard School of Public Health, RMI, Built Environment+, the EPA, the MA Department of Energy Resources, the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy and many more are in agreement too. Whether looking at these inequities from public spending or public health, from social justice or long term investments: Everybody deserves to live in healthy, resilient, low-operational-cost housing, especially our most vulnerable populations who can least afford health problems, expensive utility bills or costly retrofits in the future. We should not be leaving them behind because of outdated concepts regarding net zero/low energy use construction or because of resistance to change.

We need more housing. The technology, expertise and incentives are available today so we can have clean, healthy, efficient, fossil fuel free, equitable, affordable housing now that will lower emissions, will cost less, and be more resilient for decades to come.