Name: Sarah Higginbotham
Office Sought: Town Meeting Member Precinct 5
e-mail addressshigginbo [at] gmail.commichaelschanbacherlexpb [at] (
phone number: 617-633-3187

Community Activities

  • Town Meeting Member, 2021 - present
  • Vice Chair, Town Meeting Member Association (TMMA), 2023
  • Facilitator, Dyslexia Parents Group of Lexington (subgroup of LexSEPTA)
  • Facilitator, Dismantling Racism in Our Town
  • Clarke Green Team 
  • LexSeeHer Unveiling Ceremony Core Team
  • Lexington Residents Reimagining Public Safety (LRRPS)

Article 43 on the 2024 Town Warrant is asking if the Town will authorize and request the Select Board to petition the General Court of the Commonwealth for Home Rule Legislation to allow any citizens in the Town of Lexington, who have reached the age of 16 or older, to register and vote in municipal elections within the Town, or to take any action in relative thereto. Would you support this article? Why or why not?

I am a firm believer in the power of local political participation and action. Involving our 16- and 17-year-olds in the local political process as voters could be of great benefit to our young people as well as to our community as a whole. For the teens, it is an opportunity to learn how to engage with and offer input into community issues. For Lexington, it is an opportunity to welcome the opinions of an important demographic in town. Having one’s voice heard can lead to more investment in and satisfaction with one’s community experience. Giving young people the vote seems like a positive step toward a stronger community. I would support Article 43 with my vote.