September Meet and Learn: Tour of Stanislaus County Elections Office

September Meet and Learn: Tour of Stanislaus County Elections Office


Stanislaus County Registrar of Voters
1021 I Street
Modesto California 95354
California US
Wednesday, September 18, 2024 - 3:00pm

In keeping with LWVSC September/October Voter Service and education focus, you are invited to Tour the Stanislaus County Elections Department on Wednesday, September 18 from  3pm – 5 pm. This is a special opportunity to learn first-hand how ballots are processed in our county and what security systems are in place to assure the integrity of our elections.  Donna Linder, Stanislaus County Registrar of Voters will explain the procedures and conduct a tour of the facility. Space is limited, so make your reservation now.  RSVP to 209-324-3375 or stanislauslwv [at]

Contact Information
stanislauslwv [at]