Name: Sarah Carter
Address: 5 Spencer Street
Precinct: 1
e-mail address: Secarter [at] (
)phone number: 781-640-4802
Community Activities:
- Currently
- PTO Co-President Clarke Middle School
- VP MIniGrants for LHS PTO
- Secretary for LEF
- School Committee Liaison for SEPAC/LEXSEPTA
- Previously
- Girl Scout Leader 2012-202
- VP Membership Harrington PTA 2020-2024
- Trivia Bee Co-Chair LEF 2021-2023
- Math Night Coordinator Bowman PTO 2016-2020
- LexFUN! Drop In Coordinator 2012-2016
The School Building Committee has approved a plan, “Bloom” for the new high school and building on the current playing fields in the Center. Do you support this decision? If not, what would you propose as an alternative?
I support the “Bloom” plan for the new high school as approved by the School Building Committee. This plan will meet the needs of our students, families, and larger community at the lowest cost, with the least disruption, and on the fastest timeline.
The high school as it currently exists does not meet the educational goals of our students. With a building that is almost 75 years old, the facilities have reached the end of their lifespan, and do not have enough space for our students. Any other plan must address these two issues as well as the security of our students on campus.
Of all the plans put forward, the Bloom plan best addresses all of these issues. The plan would result in a completed high school that students could start attending in under 5 years, while costing the least of any other plan that was considered. Students would also continue to attend the current high school until the new building is complete, thus causing the least disruption to their school days.
If we do not support this plan, we as a community will have to address many of the problems that currently exist at the high school. Updating failing facilities and adding more portable classrooms - and replacing those that were added 20 years ago - will cost the community almost as much as a completely new school would cost.
With that in mind, the best choice is to support the Bloom Proposal.