Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

Once you've joined the League of Women Voters of Santa Monica, there are plenty of opportunities for you to be involved -- it's up to you!

Here are some ways you can help out now. To learn more, just email us at league [at] lwvsantamonica.org.

Upcoming one-time jobs:

Martin Luther King Day Community Fair, January 20, 2025
Special event coordination/assistance
Voter Service assistance, including Candidate Forums, SmartVoter and Speakers Bureau

Committees Description

Membership Committee:
Outreach and engagement of new members, follow up on renewal memberships, invites members to League's events...
Webmaster, Social Media, Email Blasts, Press Releases, Brand Promotion
Voter Service Committee:
Voter Registration, Speakers Bureau, Vote411, Candidate Forum , Voter Education
Fund Development Committee:
Outreach to individuals, grant writing businesses and organizations
Studies Committee: Studies varies. Current examples are Landused Study and School District Bond Measure
Advocacy Committee: Promotes and supports LWV approved positions