ERA Action Alert

ERA Action Alert

Time Range For Action Alert: 
Jan 06 2020 to Jan 27 2020


Contact your US Representatives and Senators to urge them to support H.J.Res. 53 (115th): Removing the deadline for the ratification of the equal rights amendment. DO IT NOW. 


With Virginia poised to become the 38th state to ratify the ERA, opposition has reawakened and several states have moved to stop it. 

A Los Angeles Times editorial, Dec. 24, 2019, offered this analysis: 

“With passage looking more and more likely, opponents have suddenly conceded that yes, the ERA would have real ramifications. And chief among their concerns seems to be that it would allow women to fight back against the onerous abortion restrictions adopted in several conservative-leaning states. That is the message being sent by the Republican attor-neys general of Alabama, Louisiana and South Da-kota who have sued, arguing that the ERA should be stopped in its tracks because of an expired congres-sional deadline and the efforts by five states to re-scind their previous support. 

“If the ERA passes, the opponents warn in their court papers, ‘Activists would urge courts to use the amendment to overturn legitimate regulations of abortion and to mandate state funding of abortions.’ They add that it might even confer protections on people based on sexual orientation and gender identity.”

All are welcome to join the Women's Issues Action Team meeting conference call on Monday, January 27, 2020 at 6:30pm. For information about joining the call please message Women's Issues from our Contact US page. 

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