Beaufort, SC Area

Beaufort, SC Area


August 26, otherwise known as Women's Equality Day, marks the anniversary of the certification of the 19th Amendment, which granted some women the right to vote.

Yet today, women have fewer rights than they'd had in decades. To recognize this, we acknowledge Women's Inequality Day.

Inequality DayInequality impacts our health: although women pay $15 million more each year for health care than men, we spend more of our lives in poor health. Those who may experience pregnancy no longer have reproductive freedom; and when we do give birth, we (particularly women of color) face high rates of maternal mortality. 

It impacts our work: we’re paid less than our male counterparts and are underrepresented in leadership roles. We also deal with workplace harassment, insufficient maternal leave, and disproportionate caretaking responsibilities that affect our ability to work. 

It impacts our representation: women are severely underrepresented in politics, making up only 25% of the Senate, 29% of the House, and 31.9% of statewide elective executives.  

How can we make policies that protect and serve women without more women in office? And in an age where our basic freedoms and bodily autonomy are under fire, how can we ensure our rights aren’t degraded further? 

The 2024 federal election is a critical moment in the fight for our equality. 

The people we elect in November will be in charge of our rights – including the right to reproductive freedom – for the next four years. 

So when you cast your vote in 2024, will you vote for someone who defends those rights? Or someone who wants to take them away? 















LWV is an organization fully committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in principle and in practice. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are central to the organization’s current and future success in engaging all individuals, households, communities, and policy makers in creating a more perfect democracy.