Dallas County - Road and Bridge Districts

Dallas County - Road and Bridge Districts

The Irving League of Women Voters supports certain criteria related to Dallas County Road and Bridge Districts.
Position History: 
Concurrence Date: March 1978
Review: November 1988, continue studying
Review: May 1996

Retain and update

The Irving League Board concurred with the positions reached by the Dallas League in the county road and bridge district study.

These positions were adopted after membership meetings and the recommendation of the Irving League Road and Bridge District Committee:

  1. Administrative expense of commissioners' district offices (e.g. administrative salaries, postage, telephone, office equipment and furnishings) should be included in the County Budget under the General Fund.
  2. Priorities for county road work should be set with emphasis mainly on traffic volume and the condition of the streets. Less emphasis, but definite consideration, should be given to citizen request and meetings by the commissioners with local officials and civic leaders.
  3. County road maintenance work should include roads in unincorporated areas, contract work with other governmental entities, and major thoroughfares in incorporated areas. Cities should be required to participate in paying for the maintenance of major thoroughfares in their own incorporated area.
  4. The Dallas County Road and Bridge Districts should be consolidated.
League to which this content belongs: 
- Private group -