Everyone invited to voter parade on Saturday
By HILLARY GAVAN Senior staff writer
Oct 19, 2020
(From left): Beloit League of Women Voters President Susan Adams and members Crystal Schneider, Gregg Schneider and Cathy Flanagan encourage people to vote early and will deck out their cars in a parade to promote early voting on Oct. 24.
BELOIT — Everyone is invited to the non-partisan Building Unity Pack the Polls Car Parade on Saturday, Oct. 24 at 10 a.m. to promote early voting.
Beloit League of Women Voters President Susan Adams said Oct. 24 happens to be the national Early Voting Day.
It’s important to vote early, Adams said, as one never knows what is going to happen on the day of the election. One could get sick, a car could break down or there could be long lines.
“Something might happen, you just don’t know,” she said. “And it’s safer with COVID-19 to vote early.”
For the Beloit parade, people will meet at the parking lot across from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 212 W. Grand Ave. The parade will go around the Farmer’s Market and then follow a route through the west and east sides of Beloit. Maps will be provided. It will end at Horace White Park.
The organizers of the event are Beloit League of Women Voters, Justice Overcoming Borders, Beloit Immigration Task Force and Beloit Together. Organizers are expecting 20 decorating and honking cars, or more.
Adams stressed campaign signs aren’t allowed as it’s a non-partisan event and the organizers are non-profit organizations. Limited supplies of poster board and markers are available by calling Adams at 608-481-4333 or by coming to the event a bit early.
Signs such as “Defend Democracy” and “Unite for Democracy” might be good slogans or else simple “vote” signs for readability.
People can vote at City Hall weekdays from Oct. 20-30, from 8 a.m.—5 p.m., and Saturday Oct. 24, from 8 a.m.—4 p.m. or at the polls on Nov. 3.
There also will be voter parades around the state in conjunction with early voting day through Building Unity.
Communities all across Wisconsin are taking to the streets in their cars, the most COVID-safe way, in order to promote early voting which starts all over Wisconsin today.
Beloit’s car-caravan parade will be linked to the other parades around the state via a Zoom connection that will be open to the press and the general public between the 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Oct. 24.
Portions of this Zoom connection will be shared on social media via Facebook Live at https://www.facebook.com/buildingunitywi.
Between 1-2 p.m., different parades will be spotlighted around Wisconsin in places such as Milwaukee, Appleton, Middleton, Mount Horeb, River Falls and more.
At 2 p.m., there will be a statewide press conference during this same Zoom connection.
The Unite for Democracy Pack the Polls Parade Zoom Connection is available on Oct 24 from 9 a.m.—4 p.m. at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85236049795.
People can also dial 1-301-715-8592 and type the Meeting ID: 852 3604 9795.