Government Services - Solid Waste Disposal

Government Services - Solid Waste Disposal

The LWV of Beloit supports:

    • the banning of open burning.
    • municipally provided curbside pickup of residential garbage and trash, financed by the property tax rather than user fees.
    • reaffirming state and national LWV positions on recycling and active support of measures such as returnable bottles, paper pickups, and aluminum recycling.
    • efforts toward developing a recycling center on a regional basis. (rev. 89)
    • recycling as a first priority but urges governmental units to purchase additional sites for landfills.

The LWV of Beloit recommends:

    • providing updated and clear information for all residents, especially about materials to be recycled.
(2013 Adams, Metter – revised)
(1994 - revised)
(1980 - Peerenboom, Larson, Hansen, Forbeck, Mueller, Page, Schoenfield, Stoner)


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