Government Structure and Procedures - Zoning

Government Structure and Procedures - Zoning

The LWV of Beloit supports:

  • a zoning ordinance that maintains stability of property and land use while allowing a measure of flexibility to meet the needs of changing situations.
  • a zoning/re-zoning process that is predictable so it is not subject to frequent changes arising from individual circumstances.
  • a zoning ordinance and process that is accessible and responsive to all citizens regardless of their education or socioeconomic background.

The LWV of Beloit supports:

  • periodic review of the zoning ordinance in an objective manner so as to avoid zoning decisions based on individual personalities and circumstances.

The LWV of Beloit continues to support:

  • the clearly written and organized text of the zoning ordinance allowing the average citizen to understand its regulations and procedures.
  • including in the text of the ordinance such features as a table of contents, an index, charts and graphs as visual aids to explain the ordinance, illustrations within the text that are appropriate to the ordinance as well as to local conditions

The LWV of Beloit recommends:

  • a step-by-step procedure or flow-chart of the rezoning process.
  • that the city administrative staff be accessible and responsive to citizens.
  • (The responsibility to listen to citizens and serve their needs with tact and diplomacy even if they disagree with administrative decisions should either be expected of all city officers or delegated specifically to a citizen advocate liaison on staff.)
  • that brochures or printed information from the ordinances describing the zoning/rezoning process be made available to the public.
  • the continued inclusion in the ordinance of detailed textual descriptions of zoning procedures.
  • that the zoning ordinance add a chapter with ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ to help citizens find answers.

The LWV of Beloit supports:

  • similarity of land use within zoning categories, minimizing the disparity between least desirable and most desirable land uses within a classification.

The LWV of Beloit supports:

  • similarity of land use within zoning categories, minimizing the disparity between least desirable and most desirable land uses within a classification.
  • extending the designated area near a proposed zoning change within which written notification of property owners is required. The current notification is within 150 feet. (Such notification should be timely and include the time, date and location of the initial hearing, information regarding the rezoning process, and whom to contact for more information. NOTE: Janesville requires notification of all property owners within 400 feet.)
  • a time limit between reapplication for zoning change or conditional use that is no less than one year.

The LWV of Beloit supports:

  • promoting citizen confidence in property values by consistent and persistent enforcement of the zoning ordinance by administrative initiative in addition to citizen complaints. (The zoning officer shall be responsible for enforcing the ordinance.)

The LWV of Beloit supports a plan commission that is:

  • advised by the administrative planning staff
  • advisory to the city council, and
  • guided by proper planning standards.
  • composed of members broadly representative of the diversity of Beloit's population
  • avoids over representation by any one interest group and includes a council member as direct liaison to the city council.
  • training for new plan commission members which includes timely orientation by the planning staff as well as attendance at state, regional, and/or national conferences.
  • maintaining a planning staff sufficient to plan and implement special projects and provide for the day-to-day planning needs of Beloit. 
    • (2013-Schoenfield, M. Moffett, Beverly Bond)
    • (1984 - Schoenfield, FitzGerald-Fleck, Ryan, Williams)
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