Manitowoc County Subscribed Articles

Manitowoc County Subscribed Articles

Blog Post

The League of Women Voters Education Fund (LWVEF) has tapped into the power of young people through its Youth Voter Registration project since 2010. In the spring of 2022 alone, 87 League volunteer teams across the country hosted close to 900 events and registered 22,406 youth in high schools, technical schools, community colleges, youth shelters, and at community events like protests, rallies, and festivals. 

Blog Post

In February 2022, the North Carolina supreme court issued a historic ruling that partisan gerrymandering violates the North Carolina constitution and ordered new maps to be drawn. 

North Carolina lawmakers have appealed the ruling to the US Supreme Court, putting forward a dangerous theory known as the “independent state legislature doctrine," which argues that state legislatures have unconditional power to legislate on election issues and cannot be reviewed by any established checks and balances.

If this fringe theory — which has been rejected repeatedly by the US Supreme Court — is accepted by the current US Supreme Court, state legislatures could have unchecked power to control elections in the state.  

Public Statement

The second lawsuit against the omnibus voter restrictions of HB 1878 seeks to protect Missourians' right to equal protection and the fundamental right to vote.

Public Statement

Jefferson City, Mo. -- Two nonpartisan civic engagement organizations sued the state of Missouri and Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft in Cole County Circuit Court to block provisions of one of the nation’s most extreme laws restricting voter registration activity and distribution of absentee ballot applications. The law violates the right to core political speech by severely curtailing the ability to engage with voters. 


Blog Post

Even if you live a thousand miles from the nearest coast, oceans —which make up nearly seventy percent of our blue planet — affect your life. As human carbon emissions warm our atmosphere, the ocean absorbs both CO2 and heat, buffering us from the worst effects of our excess. But giving us that protection has changed the oceans we depend on.   

"Strengthening Wisconsin's Courts" graphic
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Blog Post

While abortion justice is necessary for the people of DC, our lack of statehood means we have little control over the future of reproductive rights. Until DC becomes a state and has, like all other states, the ability to make its own laws and policies, we remain subject to the oversight of Congress.  

Blog Post

You may consider yourself a history buff, but how well do you know the women who shaped our democracy? Test your knowledge and learn a thing or two with this quiz!

National Civility Month graphic
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People being civil to other people is the key focus of National Civility Month. This holiday is to help us remember to treat others with kindness and empahty.

Find some resources below: 

Blog Post

On your way to college this? Congratulations! As you step into this new era of your life, make sure you're prepared to take on your new role as a participant in our democracy.
