Our Positions

Below are all of our positions.

What is a Position?

The League of Women Voters takes action on an issue only when we have a position addressing that particular issue. Members must study and come to consensus on an issue, in order to form a position. This thorough grassroots process ensures that our advocacy is well considered by a broad range of people, understood by our members, and we have a sense of the political environment.

Moscow Positions


The League of Women Voters of Moscow (LWVM) recognizes that there is growing scientific evidence that correlates a high incidence of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), with health and social problems throughout the lifespan.


Following two years of study, the League of Women Voters of Moscow has come to consensus concerning after-school activities for Junior High and High School youth.


The League of Women Voters of Moscow supports the establishment of an alternative school to serve dropouts, discouraged learners, non-traditional students and other at-risk youth, with the goal of teaching basic skills, vocational education and/or college preparation leading to the attainment of either a high school diploma or a GED.


The Moscow League of Women Voters supports the concept of County Planning.


The League of Women voters of Moscow believes that the solid waste collection system and the sanitary landfill should be separate operations, with separate contracts, budgets, charges, and records.


The League of Women Voters of Moscow supports community efforts of beautification and clean-up involving Paradise Creek and endorses immediate programs to keep the bridges and culverts clear and to end the dumping of trash and sewage in the creek.


The League of Women Voters of Moscow, recognizing the needs of those in poverty in Latah County, advocates for and supports programs or approaches which can improve or increase accessibility and availability of goods and services, either through the coordination of existing programs or by the alteration, enhancement or creation of new services in the areas of housing, food insecurity, child care, transportation, and health care.


The League of Women Voters of Moscow (LWVM) recognizes poverty as a dynamic, multifaceted problem in Latah County.


The League of Women Voters of Moscow supports school-age child care (SACC).
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All Moscow Subscribed Positions


Promote peace in an interdependent world by working cooperatively with other nations and strengthening international organizations.


The League of Women Voters supports merit selection with retention by uncontested election as the preferred method of choosing judges for Idaho state courts.


The League of Women Voters of Idaho supports comprehensive land-use planning for Idaho; supports local planning within state guidelines and with state assistance; supports citizen participation and consideration of the public’s interest in land-use decisions.


The League of Women Voters of the United States believes that one of the goals of social policy in the United States should be to promote self-sufficiency for individuals and families and that the most effective social programs are those designed to prevent or reduce poverty.


The League of Women Voters of Idaho supports the Idaho Legislature setting a state minimum wage rate, that is higher than the 2017 federal minimum wage and will then adjust automatically based on a scientifically valid index linked to the cost-of-living in Idaho.


Promote an environment beneficial to life through the protection and wise management of natural resources in the public interest.


The League of Women Voters of Idaho supports a bipartisan citizens' reapportionment commission to reapportion both houses of the Idaho legislature on a population basis with substantially equal legislative districts; supports anti-gerrymandering controls, public hearings, and judicial review.


The League of Women Voters of Idaho supports educational and transitional programs directly linked to current offender populations and mechanisms which hold contractors immediately accountable for the programs they deliver.


Promote an open governmental system that is representative, accountable and responsive.


The League of Women Voters of Idaho believes alternatives to imprisonment should be explored and utilized, taking into consideration the circumstances and nature of the crime.
