Our Nonpartisan Policy

Our Nonpartisan Policy

League of Women Voters of Missouri is nonpartisan in both our education and advocacy.  We never support political parties or candidates for public office.

Mission of League of Women Voters of Missouri (LWVMO)

The mission of LWV Missouri is to encourage the informed and active participation of citizens in government.  LWVMO takes action on selected governmental issues after study and agreement by our membership.  LWVMO  encourages members to be informed participants in political activity, but as a nonpartisan organization, it neither opposes or supports any political party or candidate for public office, even when the office is unaffiliated with a political party.

Taking positions on issues of public policy is consistent with our nonpartisan role. LWV is nonpartisan so that there is not a question of its interest in anything other than the general good.  LWV stands upon principles and policies of legislation designed for the general good.

Our Education Role

We provide nonpartisan information to others with the understanding that they will use it to make their own decisions.  We encourage others to register, to vote, and to communicate policy priorities to those in public office. We provide information and training on voting procedures, candidates, issues, effective lobbying, and running for office.  Candidate forums are a highly visible example of our education initiatives.

Our Advocacy Role

We are nonpartisan in our advocacy, though we are political in the sense that we seek to affect the outcome of legislation or policy.  LWVMO’s positions on issues are based on study and consensus by our members.  When we work with public officials on legislation or policies that address our concerns on an issue, it is because of their position on that issue, not because of their party affiliation.

Our Transparency and Integrity

To avoid the possible perception of partisanship, we ask our most visible leaders such as the president and voter service chair to refrain from political activity or active partisan support during their terms of office.  LWVMO board members are asked to resign or take a leave of absence if they run for public office.  While we encourage women and minorities to run for office, we are careful not to imply support for them over other candidates when they do so.

Finally, while we cherish the right to disagree as individuals, when we speak for LWVMO  in public, we speak only from LWVMO  positions.