Water Resources

Water Resources

Support local and regional water and land use policies and decisions which adequately protect resources such as undisturbed wetlands, estuaries, unique scenic areas, undisturbed riparian habitat, native species preservation, water quality, and water quantity.
Position In Brief: 

Support local and regional water and land use policies and decisions which adequately protect resources such as undisturbed wetlands, estuaries, unique scenic areas, undisturbed riparian habitat, native species preservation, water quality, and water quantity.

Objectives of this Position: 1. support secondary flood plain zoning equal to the 100 year flood 2. protection of the agricultural resource of the Sacramento Watershed 3. support comprehensive Environmental Impact Reports prior to authorization of water projects in the Sacramento Watershed 4. preservation of the Sacramento Watershed, its riparian habitats and anadromous fisheries 5. encourage the responsible government officials to assign water experts to evaluate data regarding water quality and quantity relating to land use planning 6. encourage cooperation between the many water districts in the Sacramento Watershed area 7. encourage the education of septic system owners to prevent contamination of wells and other water sources 8. encourage expanded efforts to map all water sources in the Sacramento watershed area 9. encourage and support ongoing community education events and a variety of information sources.

League to which this content belongs: 
League of Women Voters Redding Area