North Orange County Subscribed Articles

North Orange County Subscribed Articles

Blog Post

In 2023, at least 322 bills restricting voting access were introduced in state legislatures nationwide.

Though many of these restrictions may appear simple and easy to comply with, they often have a huge impact on voters with disabilities, people of color, indigenous communities, students, young voters, and older adults. Four common voting restrictions — third-party ballot drop-off restrictions, early voting restrictions, ballot drop-box restrictions, and strict absentee ballot requirements — are particularly devastating.  

Blog Post

Throughout 2023, we have seen an unprecedented number of legislative attacks on the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, and other sexual and gender minority (LGBTQIA+) individuals, particularly transgender (trans) and non-binary youth. These attacks, accompanied and “justified” by false and pathologizing narratives about LGBTQIA+ people, have devastating consequences for the community’s physical and psychological well-being. 

Blog Post

How much do you know about our democracy’s Founding Mothers from the eighteenth century to today?

Public Statement

WASHINGTON — Today, League of Women Voters of the United States President Dr. Deborah Turner issued the following statement after the Supreme Court held that a Colorado website designer may discriminate against same-sex couples in her wedding website business based upon her right to free expression under the First Amendment.  

Public Statement

LWVUS President Dr. Deborah Turner issued the following statement after the Supreme Court struck down race-conscious admissions policies at Harvard University and the University of North Carolina.

Public Statement

The US Supreme Court rejected the dangerous “independent state legislature” theory presented in the Moore v. Harper case from North Carolina, which relates to a similar League case in Utah.

Public Statement

The US Supreme Court affirmed the role of state court judicial review in a major victory for checks and balances and the constitutional rights of voters.

Blog Post

LWV Press Secretary Shannon Augustus shares her experience registering high school voters with Virginia League members.
