Thank You Election Heroes!

Thank You Election Heroes!

superhero cartoon images, Thank you Election Heroes

Election Hero Day is a nonpartisan, national celebration recognizing the tremendous contributions that election officials, their staff, and poll workers make to ensure a safe, secure voting experience for all Americans.

What is an Election Hero?

>State and Territorial Election Officials: Implement election laws and policies, maintain voter registration databases, and work collaboratively with local election officials to ensure a successful voting experience for all eligible voters.

>Local Election Officials: Execute detailed election plans built in partnership with state officials. Lead all of the day-to-day operations of registration and voting for their jurisdictions and recruit poll workers.

> Election Office Staff: Support the work of the election administrator through clerical duties, digital support, and much more. In many cases, this team is quite small, leading to a heavy and time-sensitive workload for these workers in this critical time.

> Pollworkers: Provide on-site support to local election staff to administer a smooth voting process on Election Day and during early voting. They are responsible for everything from checking voters in, to making sure voting machines are working in proper order. These folks are put on the front lines of elections and will interact with hundreds of voters throughout their work.

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North Santa Barbara County