Program Planning LWVSMV January 11th 5-7 PM - ZOOM

Program Planning LWVSMV January 11th 5-7 PM - ZOOM

Wednesday, January 11, 2023 - 5:00pm to 7:00pm


Join us for a Zoom Meeting on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 5:00-7:00 pm, as we decide on our priorities for the next two years.  Our league coach, Tom Carson, will lead the discussion.  Due to weather conditions, we are having this meeeting remote via Zoom.  Details will be in your email today or tomorrow.

The League of Women Voters of California wants to hear from us as they plan their next two-year program cycle. Program Planning is your voice in our local League speaking to the state board for this year’s LWVC Convention on May 18-20.

Our meeting goal is to propose up to three “Issues for Emphasis” to the state League.

At the last LWVC Convention in 2021, we adopted four “Issues for Emphasis” for 2021-23:
•  Advancing the Making Democracy Work Campaign including civic education
•  Climate Change and Sustainability, including a focus on Water Resources
•  Housing and Homelessness
•  Criminal Justice Reform

All issues are viewed through the lens of diversity, equality and inclusion (DEI). Convention is May18-20.

This discussion will take ½ of our time together. The remaining time will be devoted to what our membership and board would like to achieve LOCALLY in the next 6-12 months with calendars at hand. (bring yours)

Your LWVSMV BOD has prioritized local issues: Housing; Language Justice and Inclusion, Diversity, Equality, Accessibility; Voter Education; Get Out the Vote and Water. You can see that these relate to the California League priority issues!

Now what are we going to do about these locally? We CAN make a difference! “Showing up is 90% of success”.

Don’t miss your chance to make your membership count MORE! as LWVSMV makes a difference in North Santa Barbara County.  Join us!