Embracing the Divide Committee Pilot Monthly Meeting (In Person & Maybe Hybrid)
Privacy policies for commercial or private drones
Liability policies for AI making life-death decisions
Copyright policies for AI created art, music and articles
Policies on police versus social services
Sign up by email: Liang Chao LFCHAO [at] gmail.com () and Linda Price lindaprice.ca [at] gmail.com ()
Why You Should Join the Committee:
People with opposing political views used to be able to be best friends or close relatives, despite their views. But not any more …
- Are you surrounded only by people who agree with your political views? Then, you live in an echo chamber and you might be contributing to the polarization of America.
- Do you avoid talking to people who hold opposing political views because of your stereotypical assumptions about their values?
- Are you afraid to voice your opinions because you hold a minority view?
- Are you tired of others making assumptions about you based on stereotypes?
The reality is that America as a whole has always had diverse and divided views on many issues. We used to get along just fine, but now we are polarized by the media since they often tailor and control the information to get clicks for financial gains.
Would you like to join a committee that helps Bridge the Political Divide to make our democracy work better for everyone?
Email Liang Chao (LFCHAO [at] gmail.com) and Linda Price (lindaprice.ca [at] gmail.com) to join.