All Stanislaus County Articles


This is the second of two LWVSC Meet and Learn programs on the topic of community safety.

Blog Post

On September 21, 2021, LWVC Deputy Director for Social Policy Ashley Raveche discussed the recently approved AB 392 – police use-of-force policy, on Zoom. Catch the recording here. 

Blog Post

VerifyIt! was developed by volunteer members of the League of Women Voters Alameda CA, a non-partis

Image: candidate forum announcements
Blog Post

The League of Women Voters of Stanislaus County is organizing candidate forums.

Cover image of VOTER newsletter September 2020

Please enjoy our September 2020 issue of THE VOTER, accessible below in attachments. 

image: August 2020 VOTER front page
Blog Post

Our August 2020 VOTER newsletter is now available! 
