WHAT ARE OUR OPTIONS TO STOP CLIMATE CHANGE? LA County League Vice President Fatima Malik will moderate a panel conversation on the current state of Caifornia's fight against climate change and our education and advocacy options moving forward.
ENGAGING HARD-TO-COUNT COMMUNITIES IN 2020 It is no secret that LA County is the hardest to count county in the Country. What can Leagues do to ensure that EVERYONE is counted? And, what are the consequences of an undercount? It will be a lively presentation that will shape your Census 2020 education and action plans!
MAIL REGISTRATION OR REGISTER ONLINE AT http://lacilo.ca.lwvnet.org/
Please send registration form and check payable to LWV/LAC: Mail to: LWV/LAC Arrangements, Sandra Trutt 1508 Greenfield Ave. #207 Los Angeles, CA 90025
League Name:__________________________________________________________________
Reservations # _______ @ $35.00 Total Enclosed: $ ________________
Meal Options: Grilled Chicken # _________ Vegetarian Ravioli # ________
QUESTIONS? Call Sandra Trutt at 310-479-7482
TO SEE FLYER & MAP: Winter League Day 2020