All Sussex County, Delaware Articles

Delaware Elections Update

The League of Women Voters of New Castle County hosted a web conference with the Delaware Election Commissioner, Anthony Albence, on election changes due to Covid-19. The webinar and key take-aways can be viewed by clicking on "Read more."

Logo of the League of Women Voters

The League of Women Voters of the United States issued a statement in reference to the murder of George Floyd. Please click on "Read more" to access it.

League of Women Voters of Sussex County, DE
Press Mention

A letter to the editor on the need for improved buffer zone ordinances for wetlands and waterways was submitted by Gwendolyn Miller, president of the League of Women Voters of Sussex County. It appeared in the Cape Gazette on 4/24/20. Please "Read more" to read the letter.

United States 2020 Census
Public Statement

The LWVSC issued a press release on 4/2/2020 regarding responding to the Census. Please click on 'Read more' for the full information provided.

Carol Jones & Sue Claire Harper
Press Mention

A commentary on the benefits of a successful 2020 Census was submitted by the co-presidents of the League of Women Voters of Delaware. It appeared in the Delaware State News. Please "Read more" to read the entire piece.

Sue Bramhall
Press Mention

The LWVSC solicited commentary regarding the 100th anniversary of the amendment granting women the right to vote. This commentary is the second to appear in the Cape Gazette. The author, Sue Bramhall, member of the Georgetown Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, provides an interesting history of the suffrage movement in Sussex County.


Gov. Carney issued his 6th SOE modifications which changes the presidential primary date and protects Delawareans from evictions, foreclosures, and terminations of utility services, and pushes back school board elections.

Gov. Carney

The latest modifications of Gov. Carney's State of Emergency declaration change the dates of the DE Presidential Primary and School Board elections. It also broadens the absentee ballot application to allow social distancing as a valid reason.

League of Women Voters of Delaware

The LWVDE co-presidents sent a letter to the Gov. Carney to urge a change in the absentee voting procedures to accommodate voters who are confined to home due to the current Coronavirus crisis. Please read more for a link to the letter. Read more for the latest update.

Blue Coast TAlk
Press Mention

LWVSC members Connie Jones and Jack Young were interviewed on Blue Coast Talk regarding the upcoming 2020 US Census. "Read more" to see their informative interview, a public service announcement for the Census.
