All Sussex County, Delaware Articles

Press Mention

The Coastal Point released an article on the recent forum on the Funding of Public Education in Delaware held by the League of Women Voters of Sussex County. Click on "Read more" for the link to the article.

Volunteer Opportunities

League members, there are opportunities for you to become more involved in league activities. Your help is needed. Read more to see the specifics.

Mary Church Terrell
Press Mention

The Cape Gazette published an article about the 10/13/19 screening of the film "Dignity & Defiance: A Portrait of Mary Church Terrell". Read more for a link to the article.

Press Mention

The Cape Gazette covered the League of Women Voters' Observer Corps annual Sunshine Report to Sussex County Council. Please "Read more" and click on the link to view the article.

John Austin

Former LWVSC member John Austin has been posthumously awarded the 2019 Governor’s Outstanding Volunteer.

Press Mention

The Delaware State News reported on the LWVSC Observer Corps report to Sussex County Council. Click on "Read more" to see the 9/28/19 article in full.

photo of panelists of experts

The LWVSC held a public forum on The Funding of Public Education in Delaware, Part 1, on 9/25/19. 'Read more' for details.

End Gerrymandering now

Delaware will be a part of the LWVUS newly unveiled People Powered Fair Maps Campaign. Please 'read more' for details.

End Gerrymandering now
Press Mention

The LWV launched a multi-million dollar and multi-year effort to end gerrymandering. Read more for the link to the ABC News story.

flyer for the 9/25 forum

The LWVSC and AAUW are cosponsoring a forum on the funding of public education in Delaware on 9/25/19 at 7pm in the County Council Chambers in Georgetown. A panel of experts will address issues on this topic.
