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Sussex County, Delaware Articles

Press Mention

ACLU-DE: "Simply put, this is a Band-Aid."
Andrew Bernstein of the ACLU-DE reported to the Delaware Voting Rights Coalition "the good news that Delaware's early, in-person voting and permanent absentee voting laws are now back in effect ahead of the 2024 elections. ... ACLU-DE is pleased that voters who use these methods of voting will have these options in 2024, [but] we are concerned that the Court left the door open to future challenges. We believe that the decision affirms our long-term plan to amend Delaware's constitution to ensure and protect voting rights."

Delaware Decides gubernatorial candidate forum splash page

The June 13 forum, streamed live on YouTube, featured four candidates for the August primary addressing business-related questions.

June Newsletter Header

New newsletter, new editor/writer, new webmaster -- how do you keep up? You should have already received the June newsletter in your email.

Delaware Voting Rights Coalition logo

DVRC is Delaware's first statewide coalition of voting rights organizations and advocates.

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Sussex County, Delaware Subscribed Articles

A. Boylan podcast

We all know, but don't think about it often enough: Rose Petal's, Hunger Strikes, the Iron Jawed Angels, but ...


Why It Matters

League of Women Voters of New Castle County Annual Meeting and Pot Luck dinner
Blog Post

For those who missed it, this article gives a summary of the LWVNCC annual membership meeting that was held on June 17, 2024, at Joseph Rizzo and Sons Winery in New Castle.

President's Message by Richard Johnson
Blog Post

Read LWVNCC President Richard Johnson's message of the month here.

President's Message by Richard Johnson
Blog Post

Read LWVNCC President Richard Johnson's message of the month here.