Bay County Subscribed Articles

Bay County Subscribed Articles


This profile was originally published in Midland Daily News.

Katherine Redwine, a member of the League of Women Voters of the Midland Area, discusses her efforts to empower voters in her community.


This profile was originally published by PEOPLE.

In celebration of Election Hero Day on Monday, Nov. 7, PEOPLE shares the story of four nonpartisan election officials determined to preserve America's voice

Public Statement

LWV of Texas called on the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to publicly assert Texas election officials’ duty to maintain the proper voting ballot chain of custody as required by federal law, and to step in swiftly if those duties are not upheld.  

Public Statement

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Today, the League of Women Voters of Tennesee and the American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee secured a court order to protect the right to vote of hundreds, if

not thousands, of Davidson County voters who would have been unable to vote in the races for their districts on November 8 due to receiving incorrect ballots.


Public Statement

Jefferson City, Mo. — This afternoon, a judge for the Cole County Circuit Court granted a preliminary injunction in our LWV MO and Missouri NAACP v. Missouri lawsuit, which blocks enforcement of several provisions in H.B. 1878 that criminalizes voter engagement activity and distribution of absentee ballot applications conducted by civic engagement groups.

Blog Post

You've cast your vote and possibly received the results  — so what do you do now to defend democracy? Our advocacy, litigation, and voting rights teams have some tips.


This blog was originally published by United Way.

Gender equity is America is linked to women exercising the right to vote.

That was the takeaway last week, from the Women United Global Leadership Council's latest installment of our gender equity panel series. Moderated by the founder of Brave Philanthropist, Sophia Fifner, this panel included Kyra Miller from the National Women’s Law Center, Priestley Johnson of When We All Vote, and Jessica Jones Capparell from the League of Women Voters. This riveting discussion about gender equity, childcare, and the importance of women making their voices heard at the polls served as a rallying moment for Women United. Here are a few of my key takeaways from the event. 


This article was originally published in Buzzfeed News.

If you need help making a plan, check out, which is run by the grassroots political network League of Women Voters. Jeanette Senecal, the group’s senior director of mission impact, said research shows that if people have a voting plan, then they are more likely to actually get out and vote.


This show originally aired on KNVF.

Beth Hendrix, executive director League of Women Voters of Colorado, speaks with KVNF's Lisa Young on the importance of protecting our democracy and the important work of LWV.


This letter was originally published by BG Independent.

The public can rest assured that the League of Women Voters of Bowling Green will persist in our efforts to encourage political responsibility through informed, active participation in government. We will continue to give candidates opportunities to present their views publicly and seek ways to make these opportunities available to all candidates.
