Voter Service Report - April 30, 2021

Voter Service Report - April 30, 2021

  1.  10,000 new LWV Macon Gov’t Directories for 2021 - 2022 were distributed:

      • Board of Elections - 4500
      • Mercer Library - 100
      • Gov.t Center - 300
      • Macon State U - 100
      • Chamber of Commerce - 200
      • Wesleyan U - 50
      • Federal Courthouse - 50
      • Washington Library (for distr. to all branches) - 1500 
      • Community Centers:
        • Lucas, Ussery, State Courthouse - 50     
        • Booker T Washington, So. Bibb - 250 

We still have 2,900 in stock.  Thanks to Hetty for help with this.  If anyone needs directories to distribute let me know.

2.    We had a member post card campaign to ask Gov.Kemp to rescind his signature to                SB202.  Members picked up post cards at the old East Gate shopping center where     Mary Lou distributed them.  Thank you to our participating members.

3.  The LWV Atlanta Fulton put on a statewide webinar 4/29 on Redistricting and Reapportionment to help educate LWVGA league members on this process.  It was EXCELLENT and I hope you were all able to watch it.   LWVAF will post on their web page, so if you missed it last night it isn’t too late.  It wasn’t up for viewing Friday, but we’ll get sign-on information out to you as soon as it’s available.

 The time line for the 2021 redistricting is-

    • 4/26 the census reapportionment was released.  GA House of Representatives remains at 14
    • Spring-Summer local hearings will be held—AN IMPORTANT TIME for our involvement
    • October- - - > Legislature begins drawing new maps (maybe before this)
    • Late 2021 a special Legislative session to vote on redistricting plans

We plan for LWVMacon to have a presence in this process—public education, lobbying our House of Representatives for transparency, and free and fair maps with a minimum of gerrymandering.  We also want to join with other organizations who work for these goals with an aim to change the GA constitution to change the process to a non-partisan Commission which will draw redistricting maps in the future rather than the Legislature.


submitted by:

Carolyn Hargrove
Voter Service Chair 

League to which this content belongs: 