Voter Service Report - November 2, 2020

Voter Service Report - November 2, 2020

League of Women Voters of Macon group photo after Caravan event

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  1. UBER rides provided in cooperation with UBER, LWV Macon, Links, & Ga Women began October 24 - 30th and November 3, providing rides to those in need of a ride to Early Voting sites and Election Day precincts. The amount of money raised (~$4000) so far well exceeds the demand for rides, but Election Day remains. Those who called in for rides were exceedingly grateful and the process worked well. Georgia Women members trained people handling the calls, LWV Macon set up the the 501c3 with LWVUS so donations were tax deductible and Links handled publicity. 

  2.  This same group held a caravan event through several neighborhoods the morning of Oct. 24 to encourage people to come vote and we had a drive through tailgate event with hotdogs, chips, drinks & candy. It was fun and voters seemed to enjoy it. 

  3. After the election we’ll be following up on any issues of voter suppression that occurred. 

  4. The Board of Elections applied for and received a grant from the Center for Tech & Civic Life  for $557,598 for use of any election expenses. Bibb Co. ended up with 3 Drop Boxes for ballots (less than the recommended 1: 15,000 voters) and opened 2 more Early Voting sites—Elaine Lucas Sr. Citizen at Central City Park and Theron Ussery Rec. Center at North Macon Park with 33,803 voting.  

  5. Upcoming Voter Service plans— 
    A. Once the census numbers are in, we’ll keep our eyes on the redistricting (gerrymandering). 
    B. Gov’t Directory production. 

Carolyn Hargrove 
Voter Service Chair


Photos from Caravan Event


painted car - vote 2020, free uber rides to the pollsLeague of Women Voters of Macon snack tent after Caravan

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