AVISTA and Clearwater Power - Clean Energy for Today and Tomorrow

AVISTA and Clearwater Power - Clean Energy for Today and Tomorrow

Wednesday, February 17, 2021 - 12:00pm to Thursday, February 18, 2021 - 11:45am

Join the League of Women Voters of Moscow for our Speaker Series event, AVISTA and Clearwater Power - Clean Energy for Today and Tomorrow, presented by Paul Kimmell and Bob Pierce at 12 p.m. PT.

Pierce has been working in Public Power for more than 32 years with the last 27 of those at Clearwater Power Company, headquartered in Lewiston, Idaho, where he is currently the Chief Operating Officer.

Kimmell is the Palouse regional business/public affairs manager with Avista Corporation. Kimmell also served as executive director of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and was a three-term Latah County commissioner from 1999 to 2007.

Join via Zoom: https://bit.ly/2XadL38